23. Glasses, Jewels, Body Hair, and Other Decorations

Getting undressed for modeling is very different from getting undressed for taking a bath or for going to bed. “Costumes” reveal, accent, and conceal; the modeling costume – nakedness – is designed primarily for revelation. Decorations which contribute to expression of the self “at the moment” make nakedness especially effective in its expressiveness. Here is a “pot pourri” of examples.

A) Glasses help people communicate, when they are needed. Communication often suffers when glasses are removed.

B) Foreskins are a natural part of a person. If they have not been removed, they belong; if they have been removed – “Vive la difference!”

C) Watches, rings, and other jewelry: some people “feel naked without them”, and therefore won’t be truly naked unless they have them on. These decorations also serve as nice things to use for variety in different poses.

D) Hairstyles are very easy to change: a comb will change them and offer surprising variety to poses. Pubic hair and other body hair, like hair on the head, deserves attention, with occasional changes in style during sessions. Hair can be shaved or trimmed on occasion: this both changes your appearance, and shows your recognition that each part of you, and every aspect, deserves artistic attention.

E) Women should wear tampons at modeling sessions during menstrual periods, if they are comfortable with them, and if menstrual flow is not too heavy. When menstrual flow is heavy, models should get substitutes. If you are wearing a tampon, don’t try to plan your poses so as to hide its string. That attempt is inhibiting, confining, and unnecessary. The string, under the circumstances, is a decoration.

F) When you tan (and people of any race darken their color in the sun), do your best to make sure that the tan is “all over” by sunbathing at a clothes-optional beach or at a health-spa which allows for all-over tanning. Untanned areas offer visual distortion.

G) Be careful to wear non-restrictive clothing before going to a modeling session; otherwise there will be marks at waist, wrist, neck, or ankles, which last a surprisingly long time. These can be interruptive. Women will be well-advised not to wear brassieres before a session. An example: if you wear a wristwatch, take it off, as you read this. See how long it takes for the lines on your wrist to go away.
